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Men's Ministry

The Gadite Warriors


The Gadites was the descendantes of Gad and members of his tribe. Gad means fortune' luck or a Fortune cometh. It says in Gen. 30:11 And Leah said, A troop cometh; and shen called his name Gad. God has called us as men to take our place in the Kingdom so that our familes can survive. It was at that moment when they crossed the Jordan river that God had Joshua to assemble the troops. The tribe of Gad and the rribe of Rueben were the strength of God's people. This tribe was fierce and warlike; they wer strong men of might, men of war for the battle. that could handle shield and buckler. their faces the faces of lions, and like roes upon the mountains for swiftness"


(1 Ch 12:8; 5:19-22) I believe that NOW is the time for us as men to stand and fight for our families.



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